Sunday, March 22, 2009

Great weekend for the Railhead Trade Days!!

One of the busy vendor booths at Trade Days.

Tom Carlock sinks his teeth into some sweet roasted corn!

Tom Carlock! Wipe that butter off your face!

Linda Baum, Faye Ellis, Bill Ellis and Tom Carlock (left to right)visit outside at the Railhead Trade Days.

Virgie and Charles Goodlet make the rounds in the Railhead Building.

That's Juan Molina visiting with "Pico" and his owner at the Trade Days!

That's David Myers, "bellying" up to another food vendor!

Stephanie Potter shows off her little angel, named Grace!

The Railhead Building was full for the Trade Days, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce!

Colonel Sanders, aka Gary Matlock, and his wife Kate staffed a booth for the Christian Temple Church.

Puppy love...these 2 cuties are held by 2 other cuties while shopping!