Monday, August 3, 2009

Cat's little miracle....

Jim wanted me to share my story of my baby mockingbird......

Will and I were so excited last week to find a mocking bird building a nest in another tree in the front yard!! I had decided we must be an honorary bid sanctuary-and I was missing some babies around here! Well, yesterday, I took a look at the nest, and was shocked to see we already had 3 nestlings! So precious. Well, today, we got a storm and some high winds while I was in Snyder and the guys were running errands, so when we got back to the house, I sent Will ahead to check on the baby birds. He yelled, "they must have flown away already", whick I knew was not the case as their eyes weren't even open yet. I had a bad feeling, went to the tree, and found 2 of them on the ground, already gone and covered with ants. But, one was still alive, with it's little yellow mouth wide open when it head my voice. So I scooped him up and tried to salvage the nest and laid him carefully inside. We went back inside, and a few minutes later, I saw mamma bird going back in the tree! I knew the little guy at least had a chance now. About an hour later, I thought I better go check on him, and he was back on the ground!! So, after a little quick research, I realized I could make something to put the nest back in and so we got a little tupperware bowl, put some holes and threaded some floral wire through it. Will held the bird, and we made his makeshift little home. Mama bird went back, no problem, and we just went back out to check and he is already looking much stronger and is safe and sound. So we have named him Miracle.