Wednesday, July 29, 2009
An eventful day for City Hall and City Council....
Tuesday was a day mainly about City Manager Zane Graham-a going away reception was held in his honor at City Hall and was well attended. Zane was also interviewed by KTXS from Abilene about his reasons for resigning. That interview was broadcasted last night at 10:00pm. Then the City Council met last night and appointed Denna Dickard as Actign City Manager until an Interim City Manager can be found. Congratulations Denna! The audit was also presented last night at the meeting and CPA Cathy Wilks gave the City a clean bill of health.

Zane Graham cited the constant micro-managing of new Mayor Carol Sue Dankan and Mayor Pro-Tem Keith Hiser as his primary reason for his resignation.

Ciy Manager Zane Graham gives his interview to KTXS.

Carol Sue Dakan was also interviewed by KTXS.

Congratulations to Denna Dickard on being named acting City Manager for Colorado City.

Lots of folks came out to wish Zane the best in the future.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A reception held for Dr. Gallegos....
A reception was held yesterday at Mitchell County Hospital to welcome new physician Dr. Fernando Gallegos to Colorado City! Refreshments were served in the South atrium and also in attendance was Debbie Tubb, new Director of Human Services at the hospital.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Last days on the job for City Manager Zane Graham.....
City Manager Zane Graham is busy wrapping up some loose ends before his final day on the job, which is on Tuesday, July 28th. The City Council will have a meeting that evening to appoint a new interim City Manager. Meeting time is 6:00pm and the meeting is open to the public. Zane will be missed and we wish him the very best of luck in his new endeavors!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Rain-slicked roads make for 2 wrecks on Interstate 20....
The following pictures are from a wreck that occured about 6:30 pm yesterday evening.
The pickup lost control spinning into the oncoming traffic and hit this vehicle containing 4 females. All 4 females were transported to the hospital. Again, special thanks to Shady and Debby Mitchell for sending us these pictures.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Drew Darby Day in Mitchell County......
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Railhead Trade Days......

Friday, July 17, 2009
Welcome to Dr. Fernando Gallegos!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A long and eventful City Council Meeting....
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Pat Taylor laid to rest....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The J.O. Dockrey 4th of July Fly-in!!

July 3rd celebration at the Park!
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